I'm not a perfect girl.
My hair doesn't always stay in place &
I spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy &
sometimes I have a broken heart.
My friends & I sometimes fight &
maybe some days nothing goes right.
but when I think about it & take a step back
I remember how amazing life truly is
& that maybe. just maybe. I like being
Women were made from
a mans rib, not from his
head to be superior, not
from his feet to be
walked on; but from his
side to be equal, from
under the arm to be
protected, and from next
to the heart to be loved.
Life is all about
Everyone's either
covering it,
laughing it off,
kicking it, kissing it,
trying to get a piece of it,
or simply,
Just Being One.
Life is about trusting our
feelings and taking
chances, losing and finding
happiness, appreciating
the memories and learning
from the past.
Dream the impossible dream, Fight the
unbeatable foe, Stirve with your last
ounce of courange To reach the
unreachable star.
There comes a point in your life
when you realize who matters,
who never did,
who won't anymore,
and who always will.
So don't worry
about people from your past,
there's a reason why they
didn't make it to your
What's meant to be
will always find its way.
Not in the time, place
or circumstance,
but in the man
lies success.
There is no pillow as
soft as a clear conscience.
Every goal begins as a dream.
I need to know that it's
possible that two people
can stay happy together
Your're the friend I know I can act like a complete idiot with
and NO MATTER WHAT you will stand there laughing with me.
You're the friend that I can get completely mad at,
and then having you stand there with a funny face
completely ignoring the fact that I'm mad at you,
and just burst out laughing.
You're the friend that I can trust with EVERYTHING.
There isn't a thing in the world I would doubt
telling you about because I TRUST you with my WHOLE heart.
You're the friend that has been through ROUGH times with me
and we still come out standing STRONG.
You're the friend that I would run to if in trouble.
You're the friend that has ALWAYS tried to help me out.
And well you know what? You're a person that I
consider my BEST FRIEND.
You can't be old and wise
If you were never young and crazy
It's hard to wait around
for something
that you know might never happen
but it's even harder
to give up especially when
it's everything you ever
Take a chance
because you never know
how absolutely perfect
something could turn out to be.
Don't tell me I'm hot
or sexy,
it's now what I want to hear
I want to hear
"you're beautiful"
She's got a smile on her face
and a fuck you attitude
because from this day on
she's living life for herself.
I'm the type of girl
that turns the
music up way loud,
just to tune out reality
Been there rocked that
I am here thinking about how much
I love being in Love with you!
We're not perfect
& that's what's so perfect.
There are four questions of value in life...
What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made?
What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for?
The answer to each is the same. only Love.
- Johnny Depp
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